Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thanksgiving Graphic Organizer FREEBIE

I can't believe Thanksgiving is just right around the corner. I can smell those pecan pies baking now. I guess the diet will begin next year.
Anyway, I plan to read about "The First Thanksgiving" this week. I always have my students plan before they right, yes, even kindergarten students can plan their writing, especially if you teach them how to do it. My kiddos did a super job on their Bald Eagle books and their Pumpkin books last week after planning before they wrote.
I thought I would give you another FREEBIE (yeah)! Everyone loves freebies! This is the graphic organizer I plan to use with my students for their planning after we read and research about the first Thanksgiving. We will list words to make a Thanksgiving web including any words we think about when discussing the first Thanksgiving. I included a few graphics to help them remember the words they were writing. They can add more graphics if they choose to as they write words. See how many words/phrases they can write. You can write with them on chart paper and discuss the spelling  together or have them use their invented spelling to create their own organizers. You may want to do it together in the beginning and then let them do others on their own later in the school year.  
If you want this FREEBIE, click on the link below. Consider following me in my store to be notified when I post FREEBIES and new products. The clip art below is from They have some of the cutest clip art.

They will use their graphic organizers to write their "First Thanksgiving" book this week. I'll try to post some samples of their writing later. ENJOY!