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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Kindergarten: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and Letter Mm (Day 5)

I can't believe we've already been in school for five days. Our beginning of the year testing is taking up a lot of our time these first two weeks, but here are a few things we did today.

We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr. Then students made a brown bear bag puppet to use for retelling. The puppet has all of the animals from the story for students to color the correct color. They glued this to the front of the bag to help with retelling the story. If anyone knows where this sheet came from, please tell me so that I can give credit. Mine does not have a copyright on it. Then they made a head for the brown bear. After the wiggle eyes dried, they took turns retelling the story to their partner. They loved doing this. They will really love taking the puppet home and retelling the story to their parents! Aren't they adorable?

We have been working on the letter Mm all week. Today, I had students bring in pictures from home that start with the /m/ sound. We made an "Mm" chart with the picture and words written under them. Now students can use this chart during their writing time. We also watched the Mm video from Have Fun Teaching. They love these videos. They have such a catchy tune!

Then students completed a worksheet to show whether or not they could find the pictures that start with /m/. The sheet also had a sentence to read at the top and Mm's to trace before they cut and glued the pictures that started with /m/. Students that finished this early turned to the back of their paper and wrote a row of uppercase and lowercase Mm's and their sight words for the day. They could also write some words from the Mm chart that we made earlier.

You can find a worksheet for each letter of the alphabet A-Z HERE

We also got caught up on our daily calendar time. I love our new "Number Corner" series. It incorporates so much from the skills we are learning and at the correct times. The calendar is only a small portion of  "Number Corner." 

I hope all of you are off to a great start to your school year. Thank you for stopping by!

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